The Reggio-Emilia Approach was brought to life in a small town in Italy after World War 2. An early childhood theorist named Loris Malaguzzi lead the development of this learning approach. He believed that children are active participants in their own learning and need to be valued and seen as individuals full of potential.
Here are a few key concepts of the Reggio-Emilia approach:
- This curriculum style recognizes that children express themselves in multiple ways, not just with words. The child has a hundred languages!
-The educator is made up of three components:
1. The teacher
2. The child
3. The environment
Using all three components, a welcoming, nurturing, home like environment is created.
-All children are viewed full of potential with an innate sense of creativity and an endless imagination. They are creative, capable of constructing their own learning and they have a natural interest to explore while they follow their own interests.
Each classroom's teacher creates a lesson plan based on the children's interests weekly. The lesson plans include activities for circle time, language arts, sensory play, process art, and motor skills. The activities take place all over our 3-acre campus and include a variety of items and props that help engage the children while following age appropriate benchmarks.
We have learned a lot from founder of Conscious Discipline, Becky Bailey. She provides ideas, and neat tricks to help better understand these approaches as well as teachings you can use with your children at home.
The history and philosophy of Reggio-Emilia Approach. This link provides a better overall understanding of why we believe this is the best philosophy to educate our lil explorers, and the concepts our staff members teach each day!